Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | web site OCR: The number of point you receive for eliminating row incr eases if you eliminate more rows at The first row elimi inated by block worth 100 points The second worth 200, the third is worth 300. and the fourth worth 400 So you eliminate rows with i the placement of a single block you are awarded 1000 (100+ 200- 300- 400 points This makes eliminating two or more rows si multaneousT y more advantageous than eliminating them one ti me. addition, you drop block instead of waiting for to fall by itse1f ab nof point for each row the block drops before t comes to rest This is an extra incentive for you to position blocks quickly, since the sooner you drop them, the more rows they will still have left to drop The game begins on level 1 where the blocks fall slowly. Everu time you completely J fi11 10 ...